Agent Tasks

The agent tasks are automated itris 9 tasks which will run in the background while you work.

The Agent runs a number of system tasks in the background and is responsible for sending time sensitive notifications such as the Email Notifications. Agent Tasks do not have any configurable settings and are hard-coded, so they cannot be changed.

The following system tasks will run in the background (at the times detailed) while you are using itris:

  • License Synchronisation - Ensures the database has the correct number of live licenses and will deactivate licenses with an end date assigned. If the agent is not running, then after 21 days you will receive a message informing you of this, if the agent is still not running after 30 days, itris will not allow you to log in. However, it will allow you to sync the licenses through the itris Management Utility (IMU). If you do not have licenses, itris will direct you to the IMU. This runs daily, every day, as soon as it can at a random time each day.
  • SQL Login Deletion – Removes user SQL logins once their archived / end date is met. Runs daily, every day, as soon as it can.
  • Meta Data Collect – Collects statistics about the itris database (SQL server information, table counts and user names). Runs weekly, on Saturday, as soon as it can between 01:00 and 06:00 hours. Statistics are collected for support purposes and to gather information about technical requirements.
  • Meta Data Send – Sends the statistics back to itris. Runs weekly, on Sunday, as soon as it can at a random time.
  • Value Recalculations – This mops up any job/placement value (profit) calculations that itris might have missed. Runs daily, weekdays only, every 15 minutes.
  • Search Result Truncation – Search results are temporarily stored in the database in 3 tables that rotate daily. This task clears the oldest set of data. Runs daily, every day, as soon as it can.
  • Special Words - When special words are added to the system, these will be run through the Agent Tasks. This task runs overnight.
  • SMS - The agent will be responsible for processing the sending and receiving of text messages.
  • Record Group Radar Scans - The agent will run any daily or hourly Record Group Radar scans, either daily (at midnight) and/or hourly (the top of each hour) as set on each individual Radar.
  • Notification emails - when a notification email is triggered the email will be queued by the agent for further processing. Every 10 minutes the agent will then follow the below workflow for all emails in the queue that haven’t changed in the last 5 minutes (this prevents multiple emails from sending when changes are made quickly).
    • Check to see if the email meets any notification configurations:
      • If Yes - The information from the Queue will be used to generate the email(s), before the Email Send Task will pick it up and process it.
      • If No - Perform the ‘Clean-Up’. This will check if there are any pre-existing rows in the queue table for the terms. If there are, these will be removed so that the most recent data for the terms remain. This will then be used to track the changes when there are subsequent entries for the terms in the future.
    • In the event that emails are not sent successfully, the agent will attempt to resend the email each time the task cycles for up to 7 days from the email created date and time.

When you choose to install a downloaded itris update, the Agent will also complete this task. After successfully performing the database update, the itris Agent will update itself. Whilst updating the above tasks will be prevented from running.

As the Agent is responsible for sending time sensitive notifications such as the Email Notifications itris will check every 10 minutes that the Agent is running. If the Agent is found to not be running users will be alerted by a pill in the Navigation bar (to the left of the Record Find Control). Clicking on this pill displays a warning and further instructions.