Currency Assignment

The ability to assign different currencies to jobs, placements, employment and work history is particularly useful if you are recruiting across multiple countries using multiple currencies.

Currencies might be used, for example, if you are based in London, but also have offices overseas (New York, Tokyo), and you wish for all financial calculations to be made in GBP (or perhaps another currency), meaning that any money generated in USD or JPY etc. will be converted into GBP to estimate a single revenue value in all relevant reports.

Currencies are created and managed via the itris Management Utility (IMU). See the Data | Currencies article for further information.

When creating a job or placement in itris, a different pay currency can be set to that of the charge currency. This can also be adjusted on job and placement records via the button in the action bar.

If a currency does not use decimal places (such as the Japanese Yen, JPY), then itris will not display the decimals once the rate is saved.

The currency that you want to use as a default against your itris login can be set within the itris user preferences under the General area. See the itris Preferences article for further information.