Data | Media

Media’s are used to record where an applicant has come from. Media's can be assigned at any point from creation to the submission process. For example, an applicant may have been regenerated if they were already on itris, from another source, making it easy for users to remember to update this.

Media data is managed via the itris Management Utility (IMU) Data area.

Assigning a source will allow you to effectively analyse where the money is coming in from which enables informed decision-making when reviewing and renewing paid-for sources, such as job boards and LinkedIn Recruiter based on their performance for you.

For example, out of the 2,000 applicants registered on the system last year, 600 may have come from LinkedIn Recruiter, and of those 600, 150 may have since been placed, generating income for your business. If the money generated from those applicants surpasses what is paid for subscriptions to LinkedIn Recruiter, that media source would be providing a strong return on investment and would be worth renewing. Please see the Sources Report article for more information.

There are two Media Types: Media & Channel.

Media is the top level (for example the job board) and the Channels are a way of subdividing the media. The Channel is how you can differentiate whether the applicant has applied to an advert that you have placed at a particular media, or whether you have obtained their CV from a CV repository from that media.

When creating a Media you will need to link it to the relevant channels. When a media is assigned to a record or submission, only the Channels associated with that media will be available to select from.