Daxtra CV Parsing

itris 9 uses Daxtra CV Parsing to populate many of the applicant record fields at creation, saving you time from manual entry.

Daxtra CV Parsing includes parsing the applicant’s name, gender, date of birth, contact information, previous/current employment and keywords.

Employment Parsing

When looking to parse in an applicant’s employment from their CV, it will pull through information such as start and end dates, job title, company, and role description. You can add to, remove or amend this information as required.

Keywords Parsing

Additionally, Daxtra keyword parsing will look to assign keywords to the record for you, as follows:


Assigned keywords are those keywords found on the CV that exist both in the itris keywords list you have created and as Daxtra Keywords. These are automatically assigned to the record for you with a rating. You can remove these if you feel they are not relevant, and change the rating too.


This list shows you keywords on the CV that exist in Daxtra, but not in your list of keywords in itris. If you have the relevant permissions, you can add the selected as a keyword to your database, or as an alias.


These are keywords on the CV that exist in itris, but are not available as keywords for applicants (they might be keywords that you just use on jobs for example). By clicking Make Available, you can add the selected keyword as an applicant keyword.