Extending Placements

There may be occasions where you wish to extend an interval charge (contract or temporary) placement. You might decide to just edit the end date of the placement, or you might choose to keep an audit trail of any extensions by using the extension functionality.

An interval charge placement can be extended via the Extend button in the Action Bar.

When adding in an extension, you can add in an extension reason and any notes perhaps explaining further why the role is being extended.

At the point of saving the placement extension, if compliance is configured against the job, the placed applicant is not compliant and the IMU has compliance warnings set to preventative, a restriction warning will prevent the extension from occurring. Please see the Settings | General Settings and Submission Warnings articles for more information.

Once an extension is added, the end date on the Details tab will be updated accordingly, and you can keep track of the extension via the Extensions tab, which is visible after the first extension is added. You can then add further extensions as required.

Additionally, extending a placement, or deleting an extension, will update the Availability field date on the applicant record to the day after the end date of the placement.

Extensions operate separately to the rates and shifts on a placement, so rates or shifts that do not cover the entire placement but still apply will need to have their end dates manually adjusted as required. Please see the related articles for more information.