Getting Started with New Users

Congratulations on your new starter(s)! This step by step guide will help you with getting them set up for their first day, from creating them as a new user to installing the itris 9 launcher onto their PC.

In this guide you will find seven steps to follow to ensure itris is set and ready for them to start using.

Step One - Licence Refresh

In order for itris to register you have purchased your additional licence(s) they will need to be refreshed within the itris Management Utility (IMU).

This can be carried out in just a few clicks! Head over to the itris Management Utility (IMU), System area and finally, Licences tab.

The Licensing list will show you all of the licences (both active and expired) you currently have installed on your database. Providing you have spoken with your Account Executive and purchased additional licences, you can refresh within this tab to update them.

See the System | Licences article for more information.

Step Two - Creating a New User

itris Users are managed via the itris Management Utility (IMU), User Management area.

This is where you can create and manage the user accounts for your itris database.

A user account is simply an entity that can be active in the itris database and you can have as many of these as you need.

itris licences are concurrent, therefore, you can have 100 users but if you have just 25 licences then only 25 users out of those 100 can log into itris at any one time.

Some of the user information added here will display on the user’s record card including the team they belong to and communications against their account, aiding internal communication within larger organisations.

The only mandatory fields when creating a new user are Name, Username and Password.

See the User Management | Users article for more information.

The user will be assigned with default permissions, for further information on these please see the User Management | Permissions article.

Step Three - itris 9 Installer MSI Setup

The following information is only compatible for Windows computers. If you are using a Mac or are unsure please let the Service Desk know via email and they will help with getting you set up. If you experience any other technical issues along the way while using this article, please notify your internal itris administrator who will liaise with the itris Service Desk for a resolution.


To obtain the latest copy of the itris 9 installer please follow this link: Alternatively, this can be accessed from within your itris Preferences > General tab, or for those with access, the itris Management Utility > System > itris Updates tab. See the article System | itris Updates & Installers for more information.

Upon clicking the Save itris 9 Launcher icon you will be asked to save the itris 9 Launcher.msi. Save this to a location you can easily access as this is the installer that will install the latest launcher. If you are downloading for multiple users ensure you save this in a location they can all access.



Double click on the .msi installer to run it, and follow the prompts to complete.

This will create the required launcher files in C:\Program Files (x86)\Itec Systems Limited\itris 9 Launcher. If you receive a prompt for Admin Credentials during this step, this will be due to your permission levels external to itris and will need to be resolved by your IT Support.

Within this folder there is a itris9Launcher.exe which each user will require a shortcut to.

Once installed, a shortcut will be created on their desktop which will open the itris 9 Launcher.

When itris is installed on a new machine for the first time, and you have not yet logged in, launching the itris login box will prompt you to first configure your database connection.

To enter the credentials, go to the Cog in the bottom right of the launcher.

Server or Cloud

itris 9 not only offers server-based access but also cloud access.

What you configure for the user will depend on your company set up in terms of data location (Self-hosted or Fully-hosted) and potentially the locations the user works from.

Self Hosted or Fully Hosted

If your data is fully-hosted (in the cloud), you will only need to configure the cloud access details for the user.

If you host your data and the user will work from a location that has access to your local network where your data is held on your server, you will need to configure the server access details for the user.

If the user will work at an office located outside of your local network, you will need to configure the cloud access details for the user, even if your data is self-hosted (server-based). Such a method of connectivity will not require a VPN login, saving your organisation money.

For users who work remotely, as well as at times from a location that has access to your local network, complete the server configuration details as well as the cloud details. This enables them to utilise either connectivity method dependent on their location.

Served Based Credentials

If selecting to add Server details, you will need to add the Server Name and a Database Name to connect to as well as the itris Username.

Cloud Based Credentials

If selecting to add Cloud details, you will need to enter the Server Name, Database Name, itris Username, Host Name and Port. If you are not aware of these credentials please contact our Service Desk on to obtain them.

The itris username will be their unique email address and the password that has been assigned to the user account in step two. Their credentials (Server Name, Database Name, User Name, Host and Port) can be acquired from your internal itris administrator.

Once clicking Done, the configuration will be added and take you back to the blank login form.

Switching Connection Based on a Location Change

Users that will work remotely or at an office location outside of the local network as well as at times at an office location within the local network should switch their configuration accordingly.

When onsite within the local network they should switch to the server configuration, by clicking the cog, selecting server and then, done and logging in. Doing so in this circumstance optimises itris’ performance for the user.

Then when outside of the local network within another office or working remotely, click the cog and switch back by clicking cloud and then done before logging in.

Step Four - Screen Display Settings

itris 9 was designed with the following display screen settings in mind as the best way to optimise the layout and appearance. These settings will ensure you view itris as intended, and don’t miss out on functionality.

Display screen settings are managed in Windows Settings.

These are the recommended settings

  • Scaling | 100%
  • Display Resolution | 1920 x 1080
  • Display Orientation | Landscape

If your settings are below the above recommended settings and your device supports the above, a High Scaling Tip will be displayed on the right of the Navigation bar.

Step Five - Graphic Settings

itris 9 utilises graphical settings which are controlled by the Windows operating system. If you have multiple graphics cards in your PC Windows will often set the most basic level of graphics controller against applications. You may wish to choose which one is used to run itris (i.e. you may see an improvement by running itris on the most powerful graphics card), if so there are a few steps to follow:

Graphics settings are managed in Windows Settings.

Here, under the section Related Settings you have the option for Graphics.

The first step is to add itris to the list of Apps shown here. Ensure that the Custom Options for apps are set to Desktop App and click on Browse.

This will open the File Explorer for you to navigate to find the itris program ‘itris.exe’.

However, to save you browsing for the right location you can copy the folder path in here.

To find the folder path follow these steps.

  • Make sure itris is running
  • Open your Task Manager (Ctrl+Shift+Escape on your keyboard)
  • Right click on itris and choose ‘Open file location
  • Copy the path route

Now that you have the have the path to that folder copied, return to the File Explorer window opened earlier and paste in the path.

You should see the itris Application icon (this is the itris.exe). Select that and click Add.

itris will now show on the list of Apps in Settings, you use the filter to find it if needed.

The Options button will then give you access to set and save the Graphics preference for itris to High Performance.

If you are logged in to itris you will need to log out and back in again for the change to take effect.

Step Six - Outlook Add-in Installation and Setup

Once logged into itris, you will need to configure the user’s Outlook.

itris 9 utilises an Outlook plugin to integrate with the email functionality and installation is carried out from within the itris application. To begin the setup you need to go to your new user’s itris Preferences located in the top right of itris 9 and open Email. See the itris Preferences article for further information.

When configuring the user’s Outlook you must ensure Configured is ticked before continuing, from there you can select their Email Profile and Email Account. Once you have done this, they will then have access to their Outlook directly in itris 9.

Note. Each time a new mailbox installation is selected, you will be required to accept an additional window within Outlook for the installation within Office before the itris application gains access. This will require restarting Outlook so the Outlook add-in can connect to the relevant mailbox.

Step Seven - itris Knowledgebase

Ensure your new user is aware of the Knowledgebase as there is an abundance of articles and videos to help them navigate around itris 9. If your new user has explored the Knowledgebase and questions arise, they can contact our Service Desk via email and one of our Service Desk Analysts will happily assist them.