Integrations | Custom Integrations

Custom Integrations allows you to share (post) itris records directly to a 3rd party system using their API (an Application Programming Interface is software that allows different applications to talk to each other and obtain or manipulate information).

itris Custom Integrations are managed in the itris Management Utility (IMU).

Custom Integrations can be used to instantly post information from an itris record to a third party system for a range of purposes.

A Custom Integration Action consists of a Name to describe the action, a URL (where the record will be sent to at the 3rd party which will then complete that action), a selection of one or more triggering events and optionally an image and Signing Secret.

A Signing Secret is string of text of your choosing and if populated, will be used to cryptographically sign all calls to the specified URL. Fundamentally, this adds a layer of validation and security.

Additionally, you can set the Mode to allow just single records to be posted (e.g. from the record itself or an individual record from within a Search or Group) or multiple records to be posted from searches and groups.

You are able to add multiple actions to any one 3rd party system that can accept Post requests.

Depending on where you are sending your data, Custom Integrations will either be manually configured here or, as in the case of the integration with Zapier, created within the 3rd party application, which in turn updates here. If required, there is a Refresh option to pull in any that are externally created.

Please note, the integration with Zapier only allows for Single Record mode, for more details please see the article Integrations | Zapier.