Part One: Navigation & Efficiency
These articles look in more detail at some of the areas covered in the Essentials Quick Start series. You will also learn about the efficiencies gained by utilising additional Searching functionality.
If you prefer learning by watching videos, then why not view our Applicants playlist on YouTube.
Part Two: Applicant & General Records
These articles look at the Applicant record and goes on to cover functionality used across the different record types.
If you prefer learning by watching videos, then why not view our Applicants playlist on YouTube.
Part Three: Company & Contact Records
These articles focus on Company and Contact records, including functionalities such as Company Terms, Fees & Rebates.
If you prefer learning by watching videos, then why not view our Applicants playlist on YouTube.
Part Four: Jobs & Placement Records
These articles cover the management and functionality of Job and Placement records, including using Job Posting integrations.
If you prefer learning by watching videos, then why not view our Jobs playlist on YouTube.
Part Five: Managing your workload
These articles take you through reports and other areas to help you manage and respond to your workload.
If you prefer learning by watching videos, then why not view our Managing your workload playlist on YouTube.