The Merit Import facility requires several separate .CSV files for their import. Please note, on each file there will be several columns for data that is required by Merit that is not held within itris. This is shown as N/A below and will be handled by Merit when the files are imported as this may be information already held within Merit.
The File Structure detailed below highlights what fields have been marked as mandatory from Merits perspective. itris will export the data regardless as to how complete it is (e.g. if no Date of Birth is recorded on any applicants, the field will still be exported).
Please note N/A refers to fields where data is not held in itris.
Placements.csv Export
These are itris Interval Charge Placements (Temporary & Contract) that meet the export criteria.
Rate Notes: A maximum of 10 Rates can be sent to Merit. Rates will be added in order of modified date (newest to oldest). When no modified date exists the created date will be used. This means the rate most recently modified/created will populate the Rate 1 fields, and the oldest the Rate 10 fields.
Exported Column Name | Mandatory in Merit | Data Format | itris (front end) Field Name | Additional Notes |
Placement ID | Yes | String | Placement ID | |
Start Date | Yes | Date | Start Date | Formatted as DD-MM-YYYY |
End Date | No | Date | Placement End Date | Formatted as DD-MM-YYYY |
Employee ID | Yes | String | Company Id | |
Clients ID | Yes | String | Company Id | |
Department ID | No | String | N/A | |
Division ID | No | String | Placement Record Custom Field value | This must be either a Text or Number custom field |
Site ID | No | String | Address Id of ‘Placement Default’ Address | |
PO Number | No | String | Placement Purchase Order Number | |
Other Reference | No | String | N/A | |
Consultant 1 ID | Yes | String | Placement ‘Filled By’ User Id | This is the filled by user. |
Consultant 1 Percentage | No | Integer | Placement ‘Filled By’ Split Percentage | The export can handle the splits for a maximum of 3 users. |
Consultant 2 ID | No | String | 1st Split Fee User Id | |
Consultant 2 Percentage | No | Integer | 1st Split Fee User Percentage | |
Consultant 3 ID | No | String | 2nd Split Fee User Id | |
Consultant 3 Percentage | No | Integer | 2nd Split Fee User Percentage | |
Placement Comments | No | String | N/A | |
Job Description | Yes | String | Placement Job Title | |
Pay Description 1 | Yes | String | First Created Rate Name | See notes above table. |
Pay Rate 1 | Yes | Integer | First Created Rate Pay | |
Charge Rate 1 | Yes | Integer | First Created Rate Charge | |
Pay Description 2 | No | String | Rate Name | |
Pay Rate 2 | No | Integer | Rate Pay | |
Charge Rate 2 | No | Integer | Rate Charge | |
Pay Description 3 | No | String | Rate Name | |
Pay Rate 3 | No | Integer | Rate Pay | |
Charge Rate 3 | No | Integer | Rate Charge | |
Pay Description 4 | No | String | Rate Name | |
Pay Rate 4 | No | Integer | Rate Pay | |
Charge Rate 4 | No | Integer | Rate Charge | |
Pay Description 5 | No | String | Rate Name | |
Pay Rate 5 | No | Integer | Rate Pay | |
Charge Rate 5 | No | Integer | Rate Charge | |
Pay Description 6 | No | String | Rate Name | |
Pay Rate 6 | No | Integer | Rate Pay | |
Charge Rate 6 | No | Integer | Rate Charge | |
Pay Description 7 | No | String | Rate Name | |
Pay Rate 7 | No | Integer | Rate Pay | |
Charge Rate 7 | No | Integer | Rate Charge | |
Pay Description 8 | No | String | Rate Name | |
Pay Rate 8 | No | Integer | Rate Pay | |
Charge Rate 8 | No | Integer | Rate Charge | |
Pay Description 9 | No | String | Rate Name | |
Pay Rate 9 | No | Integer | Rate Pay | |
Charge Rate 9 | No | Integer | Rate Charge | |
Pay Description 10 | No | String | Rate Name | |
Pay Rate 10 | No | Integer | Rate Pay | |
Charge Rate 10 | No | Integer | Rate Charge | |
Primary Authoriser Forename | No | String | N/A | |
Primary Authoriser Surname | No | String | N/A | |
Primary Authoriser Email | No | String | N/A | |
Primary Authoriser Mobile | No | Integer | N/A | |
Secondary Authoriser Forename | No | String | N/A | |
Secondary Authoriser Surname | No | String | N/A | |
Secondary Authoriser Email | No | String | N/A | |
Secondary Authoriser Mobile | No | Integer | N/A | |
Billing Currency | No | String | Placement Charge Currency | |
Payment Currency | No | String | Placement Pay Currency | |
AWR Comp Pay Rate | No | Integer | N/A | |
AWR Comp Chg Rate | No | Integer | N/A | |
AWR Comp Hol Days | No | Integer | N/A | |
OLT Hide Timesheet Times | No | Boolean | N/A | |
Direct Engagement | No | Boolean | N/A | |
Work Location | No | String | N/A | |
Online | No | Boolean | N/A | |
TORP (temp or perm) | No | T/P/Temp/Perm | T | T = Temporary / Contract |
Permanent Invoice Text | No | String | N/A | |
Effective Date (pay rate) | No | Integer | N/A | |
Payment Vehicle | No | PAYE/LTD/SE/CIS | Mapped in filters | |
Umbrella Company | No | String | Umbrella Company Id | Only applicable when placement type is Umbrella Company |
IR35 Status | No | Inside/Outside | N/A | |
Comments 3 | No | String | N/A | |
VM System | No | String | N/A | |
Placement Contact | No | String | Placement Main Contact Id | |
Pay Rate 1 Start Date | Yes | Date | Rate Effective From | |
Pay Rate 1 End Date | Yes | Date | Rate Effective To | |
Pay Rate 2 Start Date | Yes | Date | Rate Effective From | |
Pay Rate 2 End Date | Yes | Date | Rate Effective To | |
Pay Rate 3 Start Date | Yes | Date | Rate Effective From | |
Pay Rate 3 End Date | Yes | Date | Rate Effective To | |
Pay Rate 4 Start Date | Yes | Date | Rate Effective From | |
Pay Rate 4 End Date | Yes | Date | Rate Effective To | |
Pay Rate 5 Start Date | Yes | Date | Rate Effective From | |
Pay Rate 5 End Date | Yes | Date | Rate Effective To | |
Pay Rate 6 Start Date | Yes | Date | Rate Effective From | |
Pay Rate 6 End Date | Yes | Date | Rate Effective To | |
Pay Rate 7 Start Date | Yes | Date | Rate Effective From | |
Pay Rate 7 End Date | Yes | Date | Rate Effective To | |
Pay Rate 8 Start Date | Yes | Date | Rate Effective From | |
Pay Rate 8 End Date | Yes | Date | Rate Effective To | |
Pay Rate 9 Start Date | Yes | Date | Rate Effective From | |
Pay Rate 9 End Date | Yes | Date | Rate Effective To | |
Pay Rate 10 Start Date | Yes | Date | Rate Effective From | |
Pay Rate 10 End Date | Yes | Date | Rate Effective To |
Invoices.csv Export
These are itris Fixed Fee Placements (Permanent, Temporary & Contract) that meet the export criteria. This will also include relevant Rebates.
Exported Column Name | Mandatory in Merit | Data Format | itris (front end) Field Name | Additional Notes |
Office Number | Office Number | Yes | Integer | Supplied in filter |
Invoice Number | Invoice Number | No | String | N/A |
Frequency | Yes | W/M | Supplied in filter | Formatted as Weekly=W, Monthly=M |
Invoice Type | Yes | Invoice/Credit | Placement=Invoice, Rebate=Credit | It is possible for the same placement to be included twice within this export file, once for a placement and once for a rebate. |
Temp or Perm | No | T/P | Placement Type | Formatted as Temporary/Contract=T, Permanent=P |
Invoice Date | Yes | Date | Placement Start Date | Formatted as DD-MM-YYYY |
Consultant 1 ID | Yes | String | Placement “Filled By” User Id | This is the filled by user. |
Consultant 1 Percentage | No | Integer | Placement ‘Filled By’ Split Percentage | The export can handle the splits for a maximum of 3 users. |
Consultant 2 ID | No | String | 1st Split Fee User Id | |
Consultant 2 Percentage | No | Integer | 1st Split Fee User Percentage | |
Consultant 3 ID | No | String | 2nd Split Fee User Id | |
Consultant 3 Percentage | No | Integer | 2nd Split Fee User Percentage | |
Ref | No | String | Placement PO Number | |
Ref 2 | No | String | N/A | |
Nominal Code | No | String | N/A | |
Client Account | Yes | String | Company Id | |
Site Account | No | String | Placement Address Id | |
VAT Rate | No | Integer | N/A | |
Contact | No | String | Placement “Main” Contact Id | |
Body Text 1 | Yes | String | Placement Id - Applicant First Name - Applicant Last Name - Placement Job Title | |
Body Value 1 | No | Integer | Placement Charge Value/Rebate Amount | This does not include the currency symbol |
Body VAT 1 | No | Integer | N/A | |
Body Text 2 | No | String | N/A | |
Body Value 2 | No | Integer | N/A | |
Body VAT 2 | No | Integer | N/A | |
Body Text 3 | No | String | N/A | |
Body Value 3 | No | Integer | N/A | |
Body VAT 3 | No | Integer | N/A | |
Body Text 4 | No | String | N/A | |
Body Value 4 | No | Integer | N/A | |
Body VAT 4 | No | Integer | N/A | |
Body Text 5 | No | String | N/A | |
Body Value 5 | No | Integer | N/A | |
Body VAT 5 | No | Integer | N/A | |
Body Text 6 | No | String | N/A | |
Body Value 6 | No | Integer | N/A | |
Body VAT 6 | No | Integer | N/A | |
Body Text 7 | No | String | N/A | |
Body Value 7 | No | Integer | N/A | |
Body VAT 7 | No | Integer | N/A | |
Body Text 8 | No | String | N/A | |
Body Value 8 | No | Integer | N/A | |
Body VAT 8 | No | Integer | N/A | |
Division | No | String | Placement Record Custom Field value | This must be either a Text or Number custom field |
Clients.csv Export
These are itris Companies & Contacts for placements that are referenced in either Invoices.csv or Placements.csv.
There may be multiple rows per company to cater for each contact at the company that is exported.
Exported Column Name | Mandatory in Merit | Data Format | itris (front end) Field Name |
Office Number | Yes | Integer | Supplied in filters |
Account Number | Yes | String | Company Id Number |
Client Name | Yes | String | Company Name |
Add1 | No | String | Contact Default Address Line 1 |
Add2 | No | String | Contact Default Address Line 2 |
Add3 | No | String | Contact Default Address Line 3 |
Add4 | No | String | Contact Default Address Line 4 |
Add5 | No | String | Contact Default Address Line 5 |
Post Code | No | String | Contact Default Address Post Code |
Tel No. | No | Integer | Company ‘Default Phone’ Telephone Number |
Fax No. | No | Integer | N/A |
Contact Name | No | String | Contact Full Name (including Middle Name(s)) |
Contact Position | No | String | Contact Job Title |
Contact Tel No. | No | Integer | Contact ‘Default Phone’ Telephone Number |
Email Invoices | No | Boolean | N/A |
Frequency | No | W/M | N/A |
Multiple TS per Inv | No | Boolean | N/A |
Vat Indicator | No | String | N/A |
Consultant | No | String | Company Owner (Full Name - including Middle name(s)) |
Invoice Basis | No | Inclusive/Exclusive | N/A |
Charge NIC | No | Actual/Notional | N/A |
Charge WTR | No | Actual/Notional | N/A |
NIC Notional Pct | No | Integer | N/A |
WTR Notional Pct | No | Integer | N/A |
Display cost of sale | No | Boolean | N/A |
Accrual Discount % | No | Integer | N/A |
Email Address | No | String | Contact ‘Default Email’ Email Address |
Stat Account | No | String | N/A |
User F4 | No | String | N/A |
Payment Terms | No | String | N/A |
Frameworks | No | String | N/A |
Split on Payno | No | Boolean | N/A |
Split on Order No | No | Boolean | N/A |
Split on Second Ref | No | Boolean | N/A |
Group Multiple weeks on single invoice | No | Boolean | N/A |
Sites.csv Export
These are the placements default addresses for those placements referenced in either Invoices.csv or Placements.csv.
Exported Column Name | Mandatory in Merit | Data Format | itris (front end) Field Name |
Office Number | Yes | Integer | Supplied in filter |
Account Number | Yes | String | Company Id Number |
Site Number | Yes | String | Address Id Number |
Site Name | Yes | String | Address Name / Address Type |
Add1 | No | String | Address Line 1 |
Add2 | No | String | Address Line 2 |
Add3 | No | String | Address Line 3 |
Add4 | No | String | Address Line 4 |
Add5 | No | String | Address Line 5 |
Post Code | No | String | Address Post Code |
Tel No. | No | Integer | N/A |
Fax No. | No | Integer | N/A |
Contact Name | No | String | N/A |
Email Invoices | No | Boolean | N/A |
Frequency | No | W/M | N/A |
Email Address | No | String | N/A |
Vat Indicator | No | String | N/A |
Multiple TS per Inv | No | Boolean | N/A |
Invoice Basis | No | Inclusive/Exclusive | N/A |
Charge NIC | No | Actual/Notional | N/A |
Charge WTR | No | Actual/Notional | N/A |
NIC Notional Pct | No | Integer | N/A |
WTR Notional Pct | No | Integer | N/A |
Display cost of sale | No | Boolean | N/A |
Employees.csv Export
These are itris applicants for placements that are referenced in Placements.csv.
Exported Column Name | Mandatory in Merit | Data Format | itris (front end) Field Name | Additional Notes |
Gender | If PAYE | M/F | Gender | Formatted as Male=M, Female=F, Any Other or Blank=Blank |
DoB | If PAYE | Date | Birth Date | Formatted as DD-MM-YYYY |
NiNo | If PAYE | String | National Identifier | |
Office Number | Yes | Integer | Supplied in filter | |
Pay Number | Yes | String | Applicant Id Number | |
Surname | Yes | String | Last Name | |
Forenames | Yes | String | First Name & Middle Name(s) | |
Tax Type | Yes | PAYE/LTD/CIS/SE | Supplied in filter | If the applicant has multiple placements within the same export that use different tax types then the most recent placements employment type list item/Tax type (depending on the mapping) will be used |
DoJ | Yes | Date | Applicant Created On Date | Formatted as DD-MM-YYYY |
Payee Name | Yes | String | Full name (including middle names) | |
Frequency | Yes | W/M/4/F | Supplied in filter Above | Formatted as Weekly=W, Fortnightly=F, 4-Weekly=4, Monthly=M |
Pay Method | Yes | Integer | 3 | On Merits advice this will default to 3 (BACS) |
Title | No | String | Title | Mr/Mrs etc. |
Add1 | No | String | Address line 1 | Default Address |
Add2 | No | String | Address line 2 | Default Address |
Add3 | No | String | Address line 3 | Default Address |
Add4 | No | String | Address line 4 | Default Address |
Post Code | No | String | Post Code | Default Address |
Tel No. | No | Integer | ‘Default Phone’ Telephone Number | |
Mobile | No | Integer | ‘Default SMS’ Telephone Number | |
No | String | ‘Default Email’ Email Address | ||
VAT Y/N | No | Boolean | N/A | Not recorded in itris |
Vat Regno | No | String | N/A | Not recorded in itris |
Account Number | No | Integer | N/A | Not recorded in itris |
Sort Code | No | Integer | N/A | Not recorded in itris |
B Soc Ref | No | String | N/A | Not recorded in itris |
Tax Code | No | String | N/A | Not recorded in itris |
Tax Base | No | Integer | N/A | Not recorded in itris |
Ni Code | No | Alpha | N/A | Not recorded in itris |
Email Payslip Flag | No | Boolean | 0 | On Merits recommendation this is set as 0 |
Umbrella Company Code | No | String | Umbrella Company ID Number | This will use the Id number of the Umbrella company associated with the placement the applicant is linked to. Detailed information on the umbrella company will be included on the umbrellas.csv. If the applicant has multiple placements within the same export that use different umbrella companies then the most recent placements umbrella company will be exported. |
Self Billing | No | Boolean | N/A | |
Nationality | No | String | Applicant Nationality | . |
Alternative Address | No | String | N/A | |
Alternative Address 2 | No | String | N/A | |
Alternative Address 3 | No | String | N/A | |
Alternative Address 4 | No | String | N/A | |
Alternative Post code | No | String | N/A | |
Company Reg No | No | String | Trading Entity Registration Number | This will use the registration number of the Trading Entity associated with the placement the applicant is linked to where the employment type is Ltd Company. If the applicant has multiple placements within the same export that use different Ltd Companies then the most recent placements Linked Ltd Company will be used. |
External ID | No | String | Applicant Id Number | |
IR35 Status | No | Inside/Outside | N/A | |
DRC Applies | No | Boolean | N/A | |
Holiday Method | No | Z/V/I/H/D/E | N/A | |
Post Graduate Loan | No | Boolean | N/A | |
48 Hour Opt Out | No | Boolean | N/A | |
Student Loan | No | Boolean | N/A | |
Repaying Student Loan Direct | No | Boolean | N/A | |
Student Loan Plan Type | No | 38018 | N/A | |
LTD Company Name | No | String | Trading Entity Name | Name of the company used in Company Reg No |
Online | No | Boolean | N/A |
Umbrella.csv Export
These are itris Umbrella companies for placements that are referenced in either Invoices.csv or Placements.csv.
Exported Column Name | Mandatory in Merit | Data Format | itris (front end) Field Name |
Umbrella/Supplier ID | Yes | Integer | Company Id |
Name | Yes | String | Company Name |
Type | No | LTD/CIS | N/A |
Address1 | No | String | ‘Company Default’ Address Line 1 |
Address2 | No | String | ‘Company Default’ Address Line 2 |
Address3 | No | String | ‘Company Default’ Address Line 3 |
Address4 | No | String | ‘Company Default’ Address Line 4 |
Post Code | No | String | ‘Company Default’ Address Post Code |
Tel No. | No | Integer | ‘Default Phone’ Telephone Number |
Email Address | No | String | ‘Default Email’ Email Address |
Sort Code | No | Integer | N/A |
Account number | No | Integer | N/A |
IBAN | No | Integer | N/A |
Swift Code | No | Integer | N/A |
Registration Number | No | Integer | Company Registration Number |
CIS UTR | No | Integer | N/A |
CIS Business Type | No | Sole Trader / Partnership / Trust / Company | N/A |
VAT Registered | No | Boolean | N/A |
VAT Number | No | Integer | N/A |
Self Billing | No | Boolean | N/A |
2nd Tier Supplier | No | Boolean | N/A |
Consultants.csv Export
This contains all active itris users.
Exported Column Name | Mandatory in Merit | Data Format | itris (front end) Field Name | Additional Notes |
Consultant ID | Yes | String | User Id | |
Division | No | String | N/A | |
Consultant Name | No | String | User Full Name | Including middle name(s) |
Cost Code | No | String | N/A | |
Telephone | No | Integer | User Business Number | Without extension |
Controller | No | String | N/A | |
Job Description | No | String | User Job Title | |
Team Name | No | String | Team Name |