Negative Searching | The Benefits

Find records that have fields missing data to improve data quality.

What’s The Deal With Negative Searching?

Negative searching (also known as Null Values) enables you to search for fields which haven’t been populated with data.

How do you use it?

You simply just click on the criteria’s label to toggle the null value search, which turns the label red and displays a watermark inside the control.

You can use this many, but not all, fields.

What are the benefits?

The main benefit of using negative searching is that it can help with database maintenance and improving the quality of data.

Once null values have been populated, searching will become more efficient as it returns better results.

Missing important fields such as contact details, keywords or industry types on a record could potentially hinder your searches when trying to find the perfect applicant for a job. Just remember, databases are only as good as their data!

Negative searching can also be used by management to identify the most disciplined users at adding data into the system.