Search Templates | Time Saver

Create search templates to enhance your searches and even set default search criteria.

Search Templates Are A Big Time Saver

If you regularly run searches with the same basic criteria, why not create yourself one or more search templates to save you entering the details each time.

You can always add more criteria once your template is loaded to refine your search further.

When it comes to Applicant searching for example, there are some key criteria that you might want to set to Exclude (reverse criteria searching) such as:

Excluded archived applicants

Excluded your currently working temps and contractors

Exclude applicants restricted from recruitment

Exclude applicants within their rebate period

Exclude applicants within your grace period

Search templates can be saved as personal or global, and they aren’t limited to just applicant searching.

You can create them for all record type searches and set one as the default template per record type (i.e., one default applicant search, one default company search, etc).