Shortcuts you need to know

Keyboard shortcuts to navigate itris quickly.

itris 9 Shortcuts You Need to Know!

No one wants to waste time trying to find an action in itris 9, do they?We’ve got a list of handy shortcuts to make your life 10 times easier!

CTRL + J | Opens the Live Jobs report and shows what you’ve got on your desk.

CTRL + Q | Opens Record Searching.

CTRL + F | Navigates you to the Record Find Control in the top right of the screen, allowing you to search for single records across your database.

CTRL + SHIFT + F | Opens the Advanced Find feature, providing a more in-depth single record search with further filters.

CTRL + SHIFT + A | Opens the latest Applicant Record you last visited or the Applicant Record Hub if no Applicant Records are open.

CTRL + SHIFT + C | Opens the latest Company Record you last visited or the Company Record Hub if no Company Records are open.

CTRL + SHIFT + O | Opens the latest Contact Record you last visited or the Contact Record Hub if no Contact Records are open.

CTRL + SHIFT + J | Opens the latest Job Record you last visited or the Job Record Hub if no Job Records are open.

CTRL + SHIFT + P | Opens the latest Placement Record you last visited or the Placement Record Hub if no Placement Records are open.

CTRL + SHIFT + D | Opens the Calendar.

CTRL + SHIFT + E | Opens a blank New Email form.

CTRL + SHIFT + B | Opens and closes the Sidebar.

F5 | Refreshes the loaded record.